Yury Shavro

Yury Shavro kennenlernen

Adagio on Unicicle, Brick Game

Born 6 th Ju­ne 1973




1989 -gra­du­a­ted from the se­con­da­ry school.                                    

1990-1994 -Di­plo­ma of the Kiev Cir­cus School (spe­ci­a­li­za­tion-egui­li­bre onu­ni­cy­cle )


1995-en­ter­ed the Cre­a­ti­ve stu­dio of the Ni­ku­lin Mo­scow cir­cus un­der the le­a­ders­hip of Va­len­tin Gne­ou­chev.                                                                  

1995-gra­du­a­ted from the cir­cus with the act <<Ada­gio on uni­cy­cle>>           

1996-ar­tists of the Ni­ku­lin Mo­scow cir­cus.


Gold me­dal, the In­ter­na­tio­nal Fe­sti­val in Pa­ris.

Sil­ver me­dal, the In­ter­na­tio­nal cir­cus Fe­sti­val in Chi­na.

Spe­cial prize of swiss kri­tik In­ter­na­tio­nal Fe­sti­val of MON­TE-CAR­LO.


Preise und Auszeichnungen

  • Gold Medal international Festival Cirque de Demain
  • Silver Medal nternational circus Festival in China

Yury Shavro begeistert mit

Adagio Brick

Adagio Brick

Adagio that is a unique combination of acrobatic high performance